Slide Show from Malcolm’s Memorial Service
Prague 1962
Malcolm's Pa & Stepmother, Ruth (Bunty), holding baby Ian
Relaxing with his Pa & Ruth
Checking eyes at a desert clinic
(McArthur microscope on table beside Malcolm)Best foot forward for an amputee at Kang Clinic in the Kalahari
Gudrun assisting Malcolm with a minor procedure at Kang Clinic
Operating theatre at Princess Marina Hospital in Gaborone
House-call to the San people at Tshotswa in the Kalahari desert
Time out at Kang Saltpan - a favourite place
A significant birthday
Flying Mission's first aircraft, a Cessna 185, attracting a crowd at Kang
Dedication of the second aircraft, a Cessna 206, in Gaborone
The third aircraft, a Cessna 207, takes off from a desert airstrip
Checking a McArthur microscope ...
... with sister Anna
A common hazard!
A common problem!
Heavy traffic in Xade, Central Kalahari.
The aircraft is fitted with a pod to give extra load-carrying capacity.The Flying Mission fleet expanded over the years, operating from bases in Gaborone, Maun and Zambia
Climb every mountain - or sand dune!
Feast with June, Bob, Stuart & Ngaire
What do you mean ...
... no more feasts?!
Granddaughter Lindie
Beauty and a Beach on Scotland's North Coast
Who needs a mobile phone?
Far North
With Jay Aeschliman, Flying Mission's first full-time pilot, at Ely Cathedral
Supper with Ruth and her sister, Marion, in Landbeach
Fresh air ...
... is sometimes too fresh!
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