Bible Distribution
Flying Mission has distributed bibles for many years: to hospitals, home based care facilities, churches and individuals, especially patients who were transported on medical flights. Recently, we have distributed about 400 bibles a year to prisoners in Botswana through Alpha Prisons, and the requests for more bibles keep coming as the prison population increases. Prisoners appreciate the bibles, treasure them, and are eager to stand and read aloud during the meetings. It is beautiful to behold and I am grateful to be witnessing this.
Prisoners appreciate the bibles, treasure them, and are eager to stand and read aloud during the meetings.
It is beautiful to behold and I am grateful to be witnessing this.
Last year in July, we distributed 100 bibles to Moshupa Juvenile Male Prisoners. The inmates had been attending the Alpha Prison course weekly, and a graduation ceremony was held. It was a great time of worship and testimonies from the young inmates (teenagers and early 20s) who sang so beautifully and powerfully. One shared a poem he wrote that included, “No longer an orphan, no longer lost.” Another inmate who was an atheist before the course said, “I experienced the great love of Christ. No, it’s beyond great—it’s phenomenal!” Another young man admitted he’d been planning to murder the person who’d falsely incriminated him (which led to his conviction and imprisonment), but during Alpha, reading the bible and praying, he submitted his life to Christ who totally changed him and his thinking and he has now forgiven the person. Prisoners appreciate the bibles and treasure them. It is beautiful to behold and I am grateful to be witnessing this.
I experienced the great love of Christ. No, it’s beyond great—it’s phenomenal!